samedi 21 avril 2012

Rencontre avec Kristen, Walter Salles, Garrett Hedlund et Sam Riley sur Canal +

Sur le programme de Canal +, est annoncée une rencontre avec Walter Salles (réalisateur de Sur la Route), Kristen Stewart, Garrett Hedlund, et Sam Riley, le dimanche 20 mai , sur la chaîne Canal +, à 11h35.

Dédicaces et Avant Premières ont eu la confirmation que toute l'équipe serait bien là, dont bien sûr Kristen :) Merci :)

Article's Translation by Kstew France. Thanks to credit us:

Interview with Kristen, Walter S.,Garrett et Sam Riley on Canal + on May, 20th

Cult. In 1957, Jack Kerouac revolutionize the worldwide literature with “On the Road”, the evident and cult text of the Beat Generation. Many filmmakers had tried to adapt this autobiographic logbook of the author crossing the USA on his own. Francis Ford Coppola didn’t succeed but he hasn’t given up: he went to Brazil to find Walter Salles to give him the project and to product it. After filming the epic in motorcycle of the young Che Guevara through the Latin America, Salles track the hobo’s traces.  The cream of the new generations of actors, among them Kristen Stewart who changes of register after Twilight, play a youth in search of freedom. “’On the Road’” is a universal story, the one of immigrants’ children who don’t found their place in the puritan culture of 50’s,” said the director. “ It’s also the end of the conquest of the West and with it, a bit of the American dream. Our period can give this feeling that we have made everything, seen, classified. And there are nothing to decode.”

Emblematic. “I discovered ‘On the Road’ when I was a teenager in Brazil, under the military dictatorship” said the director of ‘Central Do Brasil’. “The book wasn’t translated so I read it in English. The book as passed between people at the university. For me, it will always be an emblematic work: The Beat Generation defined the way we lived or the way we would like to live.” The challenge seemed to be impossible and yet, Walter Salles wins hands down: it gives to the movie an incredible and beautiful wind of liberty, which may not let insensitive at Cannes…

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